As you all know I am now back in Manchester after a fantastic full month helping in Casa Hogar "Luz Alba", I really enjoyed my time there and it was great meeting all the children and the tias/tios (full time Peruvian volunteers and international volunteers) too! It really touched me helping over there and I really want to keep helping them as much as I can from Manchester.
The building where the children are staying now, was donated temporarily by someone who actually need it back, due to family commitments, therefore the Casa Hogar needs to find a new base, this has already been arranged and they are already building a new Casa Hogar near Arequipa, in a town called Characato, the new shelter will be much bigger than the current one, what it will be great for the children, as when I was there I felt the place was not big enough, specially for the little ones that spend most of the day within the walls of the building.
The new Casa Hogar will be able to host also more children, duplicating the amount of children they can host, what will be really good for all those children that need help from places like the Casa Hogar, everyone is looking forward to finish this new building and move in there as soon as possible.
As you know, any construction of new building has costs and they are struggling to find funds for the normal day to day run of the current Casa Hogar and funds for the construction of the new home, this means that works are being slower than they should have been and they really need to leave the old home as soon as possible. This is why I decided help them raising funds for the new construction and colaborate with Pachawawas - Children of the Earth, the charity that looks after this project from the UK, they have stablished a charity in England and the main focus at the moment is the construction of the new building, so please, please help us with a donation, it could be as much as you want, every little helps! Below are the different ways you can help, as it's not only with donations, like searching online and buying online will support the cause! very easy!
Regular donations via Give As You Earn Scheme, speak with your employer to get this set up in your payroll, it's the best way to help, you set up a regular amount and you get tax relief on your donation inmediately.
Shop Online in hundreds of retailers and raise funds for free! (install the software for free and will let you know which shops participate when you visit them, really easy!)
Search in internet instead of using google and also raise funds for free (set it up as your home page to make it easier):
International Transfer: Bank Account peruvian soles: Bco. crédito: 215 19147305-0-08 Caja municipal: 00033719202100002001 Bank Account dollars: Scotiabank: 700-7659543
Attend to future fundraising events: I'll try to organise different events during the year in order to raise funds for the charity, please keep an eye on my Facebook page for updates:
Please watch this video from the Casa Hogar showing both and new building. Also below are some photos of the new building.
from here you can see in the first floor the new girls room on the left and the boys room on the right
lateral of the building
Building from the street
Babies Room
workers at the site
Multifunction Room
They need your Help!
Video in Spanish:
English Top / Español Abajo
Como ya sabeis, ya estoy de vuelta despues de un mes fantástico ayudando en la Casa Hogar "Luz Alba" en Arequipa (Peru), la verdad es que me lo he pasado estupendamente y me encantó conocer a los niños y las tias (voluntarias internacionales y voluntarias a tiempo completo) también. Me ha llenado mucho la experiencia y quiero seguir ayudando lo más posible desde Manchester.
El edificio donde se están quedando los niños ahora fue donado temporalmente por alguien que lo necesita de vuelta, debido a compromisos familiares, asi que la Casa Hogar necesita una nueva base, esto ya se ha organizado y ya están construyendo una nueva Casa Hogar en Characato, muy cerca de Arequipa. La nueva casa será mucho mas grande que la actual, lo cual será estupendo para los niños, pues cuando estuve haciendo el voluntariado el sitio no me pareció muy grande para los niños, espcialmente para los mas pequeños que pasan la mayoria del dia dentro de los muros del edificio.
La nueva Casa Hogar en Characato también podrá alojar mas niños, duplicando la capacidad, asi podrán ayudar a mas niños que realmente lo necesitan, hay que terminar la nueva casa hogar lo antes posible.
Como ya sabeis, la construction de cualquier edificio nuevo tiene sus gastos y los organizadores de la Casa Hogar estan pasando dificultades para encontrar apoyo financiero, pues no solamente tiene que encontrar dinero para la construcción, pero también para los gastos del dia a dia en la casa hogar actual, esto significa que la construccion se hace más lentamente, y la verdad es que tienen que dejar la casa actual lo antes posible. Es por esto por lo que he decidido ayudarles a recaudar fondos para la construccion del nuevo edificio y colaborar con Pachawawas - Children of the Earth,
la ONG que se encarga de este proyecto desde Inglaterra y que su objetivo principal es la construccion del edificion nuevo, asi que os pido por favor que colaboreis lo máximo que podais con donaciones, la cantidad que deseis, cualquier ayuda será muy bien recibida. Abajo os listo las diferentes formas en las que podeis colaborar:
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